Thursday, 4 December 2014


Drawings of final look; 


  • Brush
  • Sectioning comb
  • Fixing Gel
  • Clips 
  • Comb 
  • Hair spray 
  • Crimpers 
  • Curlers 

Step by Step to final design 

  1. Brush through the hair, making sure you brush out any unnecessary knots.
  2. Crimp all hair from root to bottom. 
  3. Section the hair, removing the hair line into its own section.
  4. Gel down the hair from root to half way down the hair
  5. Apply clips to the end of the hair where the gel finishes for a more secure look. 
  6. Brush out the ends to make the hair bigger keep repeating this while backing until you have you satisfied big look. 
  7. Curl sections of the hairline and clip into place, you should carry this all around the hairline and where the clips are around the gelled hair. 
  8. Once done you should have a simular look to my drawings. 
  9. Finish off by hair spraying the hair down to give a more clean look. 

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